Adult Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

The Adult Intensive Outpatient Program serves individuals with severe and persistent behavioral health disorders who need frequent contact and outreach to facilitate their success in the community.

What is IOP?

Intensive Outpatient is a home and community-based, high-intensity treatment service for adults whose recovery and success could benefit from more frequent contact with their clinical team. Services are designed to assist individuals with severe and persistent behavioral health disorders to accomplish their recovery goals and reside successfully in the community.

Who does IOP Serve?

Individuals served by IOP typically have severe and persistent behavioral health disorders, with histories of frequent crisis system contact, multiple psychiatric hospitalizations and unsuccessful community placements. Many also have co-occurring substance use disorders. Overall, these clients benefit from more frequent contact and outreach. The program also serves individuals stepping down from higher levels of care, such as PACT or residential treatment. IOP services are available in Snohomish, Skagit, Whatcom, and Island Counties.

Approach to Care

Intensive Outpatient clinicians work within their treatment team and with each client to create a treatment plan that addresses the needs of each individual. The treatment team provides multiple contacts a week, as needed, at a location that best serves the client, such as in the home, community, or our offices. Collaboration with family, community partners, and landlords can be a significant part of IOP services, often leading to improved outcomes. The program is staffed by bachelor and master-level clinicians, mental health technicians, psychiatric providers, and a medical assistant. Services provided include individual counseling, care coordination, crisis intervention, psychiatric evaluation, and medication management. The team offers after-hours crisis intervention for clients in this program.

Goals of IOP

The goals of IOP include working with clients to address specific needs to avoid more restrictive levels of care, such as psychiatric hospitalization, and allowing stabilization and restoration to higher levels of functioning. Higher levels of functioning include reinforcement of safety, stability, independence, achievement of personal life goals, and successful integration in their community.

Information for Community Partners

Community Partners and other Healthcare Professionals can refer their clients to our Intensive Outpatient Program by completing our IOP External Referral Form.


Services in this program include the following, based on client need:

  • Case Management
  • Crisis Response
  • Individual Therapy
  • Medication Management
  • Outreach and Engagement


To access this service, call 844-822-7609 and request an outpatient assessment; the outpatient assessor can refer you to this service if indicated. If you are already enrolled in services at Compass Health, talk to your clinician about this service.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find out where these services are offered?

Start by checking out our location page. First, filter by the category of service. Then, find the service you’re looking for. Available locations will populate, and you can even get directions to the closest facility.

How do I know which services are right for me?

Our referral team is here to help! Accessing services at Compass Health is an easy, three-step process. Start by requesting services with our online referral form.

How do I sign up for services?

Different services have different entry points at Compass Health – many are open to self-referrals, others must be referred by an outside source. For specific information based on service, please refer to our services tab and check the appropriate service(s) you are interested in for a way to get started. For general advice on how to access many services at Compass Health, visit here.

Get In Touch

Compass Health is here to help. Whether you have questions about our services, want to share your feedback or a success story, have a media inquiry, or are seeking more information on a training or job opportunity, contact us today for assistance and support.

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