
We offer a wide range of behavioral health services for clients of all ages in Snohomish, Skagit, Island, San Juan, and Whatcom counties.


Child, Youth, & Family

Children’s Intensive Outpatient Treatment (WISe)

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m interested in donating to support this program – what do I do?

Thank you so much! This program is completely funded through generous community members such as yourself. Please email

How long can I use EMVP vouchers?

Vouchers are valid for up to seven days and can be renewed for an additional week, allowing a maximum stay of 14 days if the client is at risk of becoming unhoused again.

Can I access EMVP?

Right now, the EMVP program is currently available to Compass Health clients only at this time. If you are a Compass Health client and need to access this service, please bring this up with your clinician.

Get In Touch

Compass Health is here to help. Whether you have questions about our services, want to share your feedback or a success story, have a media inquiry, or are seeking more information on a training or job opportunity, contact us today for assistance and support.

Contact Us