What is the E&T?
Compass Health’s Evaluation and Treatment facility (E&T) is a 16-bed inpatient program in Mukilteo for adults experiencing acute symptoms of a behavioral health disorder. Initial involuntary stay is up to 120 hours; then a court may order up to 14 days for additional treatment. Our freestanding E&T is licensed as a Residential Treatment Facility (RTF) and certified by the Department of Health for E&T services.
Who does the E&T serve?
The E&T serves adults who have been evaluated by a Designated Crisis Responder (DCR) under the Involuntary Treatment Act (ITA) and who have been determined to be gravely disabled or a danger to themselves or others as the result of a behavioral health condition that is not responsive to lower-level interventions. Treatment includes group and individual service coupled with medication management in a highly structured setting. The E&T does not accept voluntary admissions; all referrals come through the ITA process. Our facility is in Snohomish County but is available to any adult in Washington referred by a DCR.
More information on E&T facilities are available from the Washington State Health Authority here.
Approach to care
Our team of qualified professional staff includes Psychiatrists, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, Clinicians, Psychiatric Technicians, and Peer Counselors who work as a multi-disciplinary team to deliver clinical services within a medical model. The level of care depends on the acuity of the individual’s current symptoms, risks, and needs. Multi-disciplinary team members are onsite at all times to monitor individual well-being and to provide essential needs in a structured environment. Therapeutic didactic groups, medication education groups, recreational therapy, socialization, and medication management are offered daily. Our clinicians provide family intervention, discharge planning, schedule follow-up appointments, and referrals to community services.
Goals of the E&T
The goal of the E&T is to help the individual stabilize their psychiatric symptoms so that they may safety return to the community.